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Hedychium griffithianum is a great subtropical accent in the perennial border. Tropical-looking foliage provides interest all season long. Tall 30-45 cm. tall cylindrical spikes of white fragrant flowers that are truly captivating. Newly introduced to horticulture and easy to grow. They are sub-temperate and grow to specimens without much effort. Plant in the sunniest hottest spot in the garden in rich soil and provide good water.


This tropical beauty produces a huge spray of fragrant butterfly-like white flowers with red stamens. Sometimes call Hardy Ginger Lily, Hedychium Gingers are more cold hardy than most gingers, They put on a great show of flowers in the summer to early fall.

Bulbs - Hedychium (Ginger Lily) Griffithianum (Pack of 5 Bulbs)

Out of Stock
    • Plant Height: 1 - 2 feet
    • Sowing Temperature: 25°- 35° C
    • Bulb sowing depth: 8 inches 
    • Sunlight: Partial Sunlight (Outdoor)
    • Water Requirement: Daily
    • Plant to Plant spacing: 18 inches
    • Grown from flower bulbs directly
  • Pack of 5 bulbs


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